Torahime Jiyukan

Torahime is used as a center for exchange activities based on the themes of play, gathering, and learning. Here, the charm, history, and legends of Torahime are introduced, and the history and culture of Torahime are passed on to future generations. It is also used as the starting point for the Toragozen Mountain Hiking Trail, and a variety of events are planned here. For example, the "Firefly Festival" and the "Wild Grass Exhibition" are held here.

1635-2 Mikawa-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga
[公共交通] JR北陸本線「虎姫駅」下車 徒歩 15 分 [自動車] 小谷城スマートICから10分
Open throughout the exhibition period.
Parking lot can park 20 cars

Mt. Toragozen
Fun, Experience, Sightseeing

Mt. Toragozen


Copyright © Dokoiko Nagahama

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