Shinshoji no Temple

Shinsho-ji Temple, an ancient temple of the Chizan sect of Shingon Buddhism located in Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture, is also known as the "Temple of Hagi" and is famous for its many temple treasures, including national treasures and important cultural assets. Every September, the "Hagi Festival" is held in Nagahama with approximately 1,500 bush clovers and 20,000 bush clovers growing in clusters on the temple grounds, making it one of the most popular autumnal events in Nagahama. These bush clovers, which are said to have been planted during the Muromachi period (1336-1573) when Ashikaga Takauji visited the area to make peace with his younger brother Naoyoshi, provide a beautiful sight in early autumn, swaying in the wind. Although the blooming of the flowers was a little late this year due to high summer temperatures, visitors can enjoy the hagi blossoms, which will be at their best through the end of September. Viewing of the temple treasures is limited to certain days of the week, and visitors are encouraged to contact Jinshoji for more information. Jinshoji Temple was built in the Heian period (794-1185) by the order of Emperor Uda, destroyed by fire by Oda Nobunaga, and rebuilt by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The Treasure Hall contains valuable temple treasures, including national treasures with elaborate carving techniques, making it a fascinating place for history enthusiasts.

323 Shinjo Tera-cho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga

Jinshoji Temple
Fun, Experience, Sightseeing

Jinshoji Temple

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